Our Story


This is the story of Loewen Design Studios.

Once upon a time, our family bought a table. We weren’t necessarily convinced that it would be around for a long time but it fit our needs at the time. Twenty years later, that table is still part of our family’s story. When we moved to our current house, the table moved with us. Over the years, it has been a place to do homework (and sometimes cry in frustration over homework), a place to carve pumpkins and colour Easter eggs, the centre for birthday party meals and crafts, a place to sit over a cup of coffee either alone or with friends, and on the first Thanksgiving after my dad passed away, it was where the extended family all gathered to start a new tradition of steak and ribs for Thanksgiving. It is just a table, and yet it’s so much more – it’s a key element of a space that is part of our story, of times we have spent together, of celebrations big and small.

This is our table, and what we’ve learned in the process is that the spaces we create in our homes and workplaces help us to connect and build our stories. The tables we gather around and the lighting fixtures that create the ambience help us to build connections with the people around us. And this is what we want to share with you.

We love being allowed to participate in your adventures, as you figure out what’s going to make your spaces work for you. Being a part of creating the spaces where you will write your stories. If you’re looking for inspiration, we invite you to browse our collections and whether you are interested in something pictured or if you have an idea of something different, let us know. Many of the items we sell are available because someone had a dream, and they let us be part of bringing it to life. We would love to build a wood table that becomes as important to your story as this table has been to ours.


Who We Are

Loewen Design Studios is a family business. The primary partners in the business are Josh and myself, Ted. The dream was that we would be able to help enough people to be able to pay for Josh’s university and provide us with a practical way to put our skills to use and have fun working together. As time went by, the dream grew and one by one, we got everyone else to contribute something.

We love having the chance to work together and to help other families create the spaces where they make memories and write their story.We live in a little town called Fonthill which is in Southern Ontario, Canada, close to the border with the US. We are privileged to live in the rolling hills of the Niagara region with the opportunity to get away occasionally to cottage country up north – home to granite outcroppings, the expanses of water, the towering trees and the endless sky.

So that's a bit about us, we'd love to get to know you too! Send us an email with any questions you may have, we'll be happy to help you sort things out!

