Free Chairs?
That's right, Free Chairs!
The Deal
At Loewen Design Studios we love getting together around a table. One of our favorite ways to do that is sitting, and one of the best ways to sit is in a chair. That's why we started making chairs. But one chair usually isn't enough, together usually requires at least 2 people.
Now if you want a free chair, you'll have to get more than just the one chair. More than 2 even, I'm sorry to say. Most tables seat at least 4 people, so 4 made sense to us. 4th chair is free, or buy three get one free, or however else you want to put it. It's like tires. 4 chairs for the price of three.
Aubrey Chairs are Special
The deal is a little bit different for our Aubrey style chairs though. For Aubrey chairs it starts out the same, buy three then you get one free, but then it changes. After that, every second chair is free. Buy three get one free, then, buy one get one free. Here's a picture to help explain it.
Why this Deal?
But why? Why not just have a lower price on the chairs? Great question there. We do always aim to offer the best prices we can. So why this? Well, shipping mostly. It gets a lot easier to ship chairs when you're shipping more of them, and this seemed a lot better than a surprise shipping charge at the last minute. And why does the Aubrey style have a better sale? It's my favorite chair. Also it ships really well in pairs. Mostly the second reason but I do love that chair.
That's pretty much all there is to it. We save on shipping, so you can have the chair for free. We're always going to do our best to get you the right thing at the best price, with as few surprises. This is our way of doing that!
Have a seat!